WritersHand Studios offers full-service wordsmithery for copywriting and editing. Our writers are prepared to help you put together the right words in all the right places. Not everyone is gifted with the skills to put pen to paper, and sadly, most of the ideas that are percolating in our heads are hard to put down in writing – especially for business purposes. We can help you.

Writing & Editing - WritersHand Studios

Our Process


Your assigned writer/editor first needs to understand your project in order to best shape your copy content.


Once we’ve done our research and consolidated everything into a workable brief, we develop your content.


The bulk of the work is done. Now it’s time to write, edit, review and refine your content to create something truly incredible.


The wait is over, we’re ready to publish! Once you’ve signed off, we hand over the ready-to-publish versions to you.

Our Rates

*Per Word:
Any body of copy content drafted, NOT longer than 250 words. This does not include Advertising Campaign copywriting, as this requires more strategic work, in which case the Per Hour rate would apply.

** Per Page:
Any body of content exceeding 250 words, but not longer than 500 words. This does not include Advertising Campaign copywriting, as this requires more strategic work, in which case the Per Hour rate would apply.

***Per Hour:
Any consultative work, research, ad-hoc editing, reverts or strategic work required for the development of copy content

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Copywriting & Editing

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